Environmental permit service

Environmental permit (EP) is a legal document issued by a competent state management agency to organizations, individuals engaged in business, service activities that are allowed to discharge waste into the environment and manage waste, import the scrap from abroad as raw materials for production, accompanied by requirements, conditions on environmental protection according to the provisions of law.


* Legal bases of environmental permit:

– Law on Environmental Protection in 2002

– Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP

1- Types of environmental permits

Environmental permits include:

– Certificate of completion of environmental protection works or waste treatment system;

– Permit of discharge of waste into water sources;

– Permit of discharge of waste into irrigation works;

– Certificate of eligibility for environmental protection in importing scrap as raw production materials;

– Hazardous waste treatment permit at the generating facility;

– Register of hazardous waste source owners;

– Industrial emission discharge permit.

Since the Law on Environmental Protection in 2020 in effect, starting from January 1, 2022, the Environmental Permit has integrated the above 07 types of documents and procedures.

2- Project grouping


3- Documents to be prepared

Object   Document   Time of submission
The project is testing the waste treatment work   – Application for environmental permit.   After finishing the trial operation
  – Report for proposing environmental permit   – At least 45 days in advance for cases falling under the authority of the ministerial level to grant environmental permits,
      – 30 days in advance for cases falling under the authority of the Provincial/District People’s Committee to grant environmental permits.
* In case the time to submit the application for an environmental permit according to the provisions of this point is not guaranteed, the investment project owner must notify the extension of the trial operation period according to the provisions of point c, clause 6. Article 31 of this Decree to obtain an environmental permit after completing trial operation
Owners of establishments, concentrated production, business, service zones, industrial clusters   – Proposal for environmental permit.   Decide for itself when to submit its application for an environmental permit:
  – Report for proposing environmental permit.   – At least 45 days in advance for cases falling under the authority of the ministerial level to grant environmental permits,
      – 30 days in advance for cases falling under the authority of the Provincial/District People’s Committee to grant environmental permits.

Agency receiving documents and in charge of issuing environmental permit:

– Department of Water Resources Management under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

– General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam

– Department of Natural Resources and Environment in charge of receiving

– Department of Construction – Department of Transport

– Departments of Fisheries of provinces, cities.

4- Validity period and term of the environmental permit

The term of the environmental permit will be specified as follows:

– For group I investment projects, the term is 7 years.

For production, business and service establishments, concentrated production, business and service zones, and industrial parks operating before the Law on Environmental Protection in 2014 takes effect.

– For objects not covered by the provisions in the above 2 points, the term of the environmental permit will be 10 years.

5- Trial operation

a) Investment projects, establishments of the type of production, business and services that are at risk of causing environmental pollution on a large scale (specified in Column 3, Appendix 2, Decree No. 08/2022/ ND-CP)

    Wastewater   Emission
Stage of adjusting the effectiveness of treatment work
Duration   at least 75 days
Tần suất   at least every 15 days
  01 input combination sample   01 input combination sample (if any)
  01 output sample   01 output combination sample
Thông số quan trắc   carried out according to environmental permit
Stable operation phase of treatment work, equipment
Period   at least 07 consecutive days after the adjustment period
Frequency   at least once a day
  01 input wastewater sample   01 single sample or sample taken by continuous sampling equipment before discharge or release into the environment
  At least 07 output samples in 07 consecutive daysp  
Monitoring parameters   carried out according to environmental permit

b) Waste monitoring during the trial operation process (Article 21, Circular No. 02/2022/TT-BTNMT)

– For projects that are NOT in the type of production, business, or service with the risk of causing environmental pollution on a large scale, waste monitoring is decided by the investment project owner, but must ensure to monitor at least 03 samples for 03 consecutive days during the period of stable operation of waste treatment works.i.

c) Monitoring wastewater or emissions when re-operating wastewater and emissions treatment works (it is necessary to renovate or upgrade wastewater treatment works; renovate and upgrade dust and emissions treatment works)

+ Establishments of the type of production, business, and services that are at risk of causing environmental pollution on a large scale (specified in Column 3, Appendix 2, Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP): monitoring waste according to regulations at the stage of stable operation of waste treatment works;

+ Establishments that are NOT in the type of production, business, or service with the risk of causing environmental pollution on a large scale: the establishment makes its own decision but must ensure to monitor at least 03 samples for 03 consecutive days of the stable operation phase of waste treatment works.

6- Guaranteed and fast environmental permit application service

Applying for an environmental permit is a relatively complicated procedure and takes a lot of time. To save time and obtain favorable environmental permit, the enterprises, employers should choose reputable companies with experience in implementing this service.

NGO International Company Limited is a consulting unit specializing in preparing environmental permit documents. We have a deep understanding of the environmental field, experience and trust from the partners who have cooperated successfully. NGO’s consulting services for obtaining environmental permits include:

– Consulting on issues related to environmental permit activities;

– Consulting and supporting in drafting documents to apply for environmental permits;

– Submitting application for environmental permits on behalf of the customers; and monitor and update the customers on application status;

– Representing the customers in working with competent state agencies in the process of applying for environmental permits;

– Consulting on other procedures such as applying for extension, or changing the term, adjusting the content of the permit.

For further advice and support, please contact us via hotline: 0969 867 924 or 0969 867 925.

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